Thursday, November 18, 2010

Daniels Story Expository Writing: Daniel

Daniels Expository Writing: Daniel

So Daniel you survived the holocaust... can you tell me is how bad was the smell of the camps you were sent to? It says in your story that it smelled like rotten and burning bodies of human flesh.
My second question is about your pain of losing family members. Now I know how you feel I have lost family members to. So how did it feel in this situation to lose a family member.

My third question is. Well I cant relate to this but, what was the first thing that crossed your mind when you saw that little boy gunned down on the street? My fourth question is. can you tell me did you feel revenge when you killed those German guards on the day you were liberated? Was it a sense of revenge?or maybe payback? for what they have done to your family and friends?

My fifth question is. What was the first thing that you thought when you saw Rosa sitting and reading on the chair by your old ghetto? Did you feel happy? or even Surprised? My sixth question is. What did you feel when your father said when you were about to kill the downed Nazi? Did you want to listen to your dad? Do you disagree in anyway? Do you still think about that moment?

Ok My seventh question is What have you been doing since you were liberated? Have you been going around to schools and doing presentations? Thank you for letting me ask my questions.

Noah Fraser